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It’s easy to run into quadratic complexity.

Gradients are often sparse. Consider backpropagating over fst :: (a, b) -> a. If gradient of a is da, then gradient of (a, b) is (da, zeroV). The second element is just a zero, but it might be a very fat zero – maybe a large nested record of big arrays, all full of zeros! Extreme case of gradient sparsity appears in indexing a vector. All but one elements of gradient are zero. Constructing such a vector makes indexing \(O(n)\) operation.

Sparse gradients

Imperative implementations of backpropagation dodge this problem by updating gradients in-place. While that’s possible to do in Haskell, there’s a better way – builders. Builder is data type for efficient representation of sparse gradients. Or it might be a ST action that bumps the gradient in-place if you wish.

Downhill library has a class for builders:

class Monoid (VecBuilder v) => BasicVector v where
    type VecBuilder v :: Type
    sumBuilder :: VecBuilder v -> v

BasicVector is absolutely minimal requirement for a type to be eligible to automatic differentiation. Functions on graph edges produce builders. Nodes then mconcat them and pass to sumBuilder.

For example, builder for pairs looks like this:

type VecBuilder (a, b) = Maybe (VecBuilder a, VecBuilder b)

Nothing stands for zero vector. Maybe is important here, mempty wouldn’t be cheap for deeply nested pairs otherwise.

Better AST

Expr type in the library is different to that in previous part in a few ways.

First of all, it hasn’t got pairs of vectors and gradients, such as a da v dv. Just a v. Two sets of parameters allows both forward and reverse mode evaluation, but we do reverse mode only here. Those would be da dv for reverse mode. We drop superfluous “d” and call them a anv v.

There’s also a little problem with our Expr type. As we’re going to convert it to a graph, we need a clear separation between nodes and edges. Func is definetely an edge. Sum itself is a node, but it contains a mixed bag of adjacent edges and nodes. We disallow this situation of nodes adjacent to nodes by splitting AST into terms and expressions:

data Term a v where
  Term :: (v -> VecBuilder u) -> Expr a u -> Term a v

data Expr a v where
  ExprVar :: Expr a a
  ExprSum :: BasicVector v => [Term a v] -> Expr a v

There’s v -> VecBuilder u in place of PrimFunc, which adds support for sparse gradients and drops forward mode evaluation. Also BasicVector replaces AdditiveGroup in ExprSum.

Inline nodes

Builders are not enough. Say, we have a simple newtype wrapper for vector. Let’s have a closer look at what happens when we attempt to index it:

newtype MyVector a = MyVector { unMyVector :: Vector a }

myLookup :: MyVector a -> Int -> a
myLookup v i = unMyVector v ! i

If this code would be bluntly adapted to work on Expr, the tree would have three nodes with two edges between them:

graph TD nodeMyVector[MyVector a] nodeVector[Vector a] nodeItem[a] nodeVector-- "(! i)" -->nodeItem nodeMyVector-- unMyVector -->nodeVector nodeMore["..."] style nodeMore stroke:none,fill:none nodeMyVector-- "..." --> nodeMore

Let’s see how gradients propagate when we flip edges:

graph BT nodeMyVectorB["Grad (MyVector a)"] nodeMyVectorB1(["GradBuilder (MyVector a)"]) style nodeMyVectorB1 fill:white,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 nodeMore["..."] style nodeMore stroke:none,fill:none nodeVectorB["<b>Grad (Vector a)</b>"] nodeVectorB1(["GradBuilder (Vector a)"]) style nodeVectorB1 fill:white,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 nodeItemB["Grad a"] nodeItemB-- "(! i)" -->nodeVectorB1 nodeVectorB1-- sumBuilder -->nodeVectorB nodeVectorB-- unMyVector -->nodeMyVectorB1 nodeMyVectorB1-- sumBuilder -->nodeMyVectorB nodeMore-- "..." -->nodeMyVectorB1

Indexing function (! i) produces lightweight gradient builder, as desired. Only for the intermediate node (labeled in bold font) to convert it into a big fat vector, undoing all optimization!

BackGrad has the ability to relay gradients without summing them:

newtype BackGrad a v
  = BackGrad
      ( forall x.
        (x -> VecBuilder v) ->
        Term a x

BackGrad turns linear functions (x -> VecBuilder v) to Terms. Alternatively, you could see it as a Term data constructor with a hole in place of Expr argument. It generalizes Expr:

realNode :: Expr a v -> BackGrad a v
realNode x = BackGrad (\f -> Term f x)

and provides means to apply linear function without creating a node:

inlineNode ::
  forall r u v.
  (VecBuilder v -> VecBuilder u) ->
  BackGrad r u ->
  BackGrad r v
inlineNode f (BackGrad g) = BackGrad go
    go :: forall x. (x -> VecBuilder v) -> Term r x
    go h = g (f . h)
graph BT nodeMyVectorB["Grad (MyVector a)"] nodeMyVectorB1(["GradBuilder (MyVector a)"]) nodeMore["..."] style nodeMore fill:none,stroke:none style nodeMyVectorB1 fill:white,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 nodeVectorB1(["GradBuilder (Vector a)"]) style nodeVectorB1 fill:white,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 nodeItemB["Grad a"] nodeItemB-- "(! i)" -->nodeVectorB1 nodeVectorB1-- unMyVector -->nodeMyVectorB1 nodeMyVectorB1-- sumBuilder -->nodeMyVectorB nodeMore-- "..." -->nodeMyVectorB1

Node that Expr is a node, Term is an edge. No Expr – no node.

Sparse nodes

Inline nodes are still not enough. There’s no good way to access members of tuples, or other product types for that matter. They are important, because this library differentiates unary functions BVar a -> BVar b only. If we have many variables to differentiate with respect to, we have to pack them together into single tuple or record BVar a. For a complex model a might be a big structure of nested records. Automatic differentiation starts with a single big variable containing all the data and there has to be an efficient way to access all parts of it.

Constructing real Expr nodes won’t cut, because they lose sparsity and make the cost of accessing any member proportional to the size of the whole structure. Inline nodes are not an option, too. Accessing deeply nested members would create a long chain of inlineNodes. The cost of traversing the whole chain will have to be paid every time the variable is used. This way a simple traversal of a list will turn into into a Schlemiel the painter’s algorithm!

The solution is to store sparse gradients in graph nodes for this use case. Luckily, there’s no need for new types of node here. Have a look at BackGrad definition – there’s no v, only VecBuilder. This means we can choose a different type of node to store gradient and hide it under BackGrad as if nothing happened. No one can possibly notice.

castBackGrad ::
  forall r v z.
  VecBuilder z ~ VecBuilder v =>
  BackGrad r v -> BackGrad r z
castBackGrad (BackGrad g) = BackGrad g

Sparse gradients are wrapped in SparseVector newtype for storage in graph. Storing naked VecBuilder v runs into a little problem – what’s VecBuilder (VecBuilder v)?

newtype SparseVector v = SparseVector
  { unSparseVector :: VecBuilder v }

sumBuilder :: VecBuilder v -> SparseVector v doesn’t really sum anything, it just stores unevaluated builders.

How does it differ from inline nodes? Turns out monoid operation of builders of product types plays a key role in intermediate nodes. It collects gradients from all successor nodes and packs them into a tuple/record before passing them to parent node as a single unit. This way gradients are assembled bottom up into a tree of the same shape as original data. Inline nodes would propagate gradients form each leaf node all the way to the root individually.